Posted on Thu 18 November 2010 in Keyboards & Synths

Alesis have recently announced the availability of the Q25, a compact and highly affordable MIDI controller for musicians, DJs, and producers who just want to plug-and-play, without getting involved with numerous knobs and sliders.

The Q25 is a 25-note, velocity-sensitive, MIDI keyboard controller with USB and traditional MIDI ports that enable you to connect to almost all MIDI equipment including software and sound modules. Thanks to Pitch and Modulation wheels, backlit Octave Up and Down buttons, and a Volume/Data Entry slider, you can add expression, range, and dynamics to your performances quickly and effortlessly.

Simply connect the Q25 to your computer with the included USB cable and you’re immediately ready to begin making music. A single USB cable supplies power and data connection, and you won’t even need to install drivers to make the Q25 work. The Q25 is class-compliant, which allows you to skip the programming and start playing instantly.

The Q25 comes with a copy of Ableton Live Lite, Alesis Edition software, for performing, recording, and sequencing music right out of the box. The Q25 is also the perfect choice for controlling hardware MIDI devices. Its compact size and portability make it ideal for fitting into existing rigs and then hitting the road. Place it a tier above an existing workstation keyboard and utilize Q25’s streamlined layout to maximize your sound and performance options. You can even send Program Changes from the Q25’s keys to change programs, patches, and more.

The Q25 is the perfect portable companion, or space-saving controller for any budget studio!

[Purchase the ALESIS Q25]