Free Novation Launchsync Max for Live plugin

Posted on Mon 10 November 2014 in entries


Sync Your Controllers
Novation has collaborated with Isotonik to provide a free solution for syncing devices in Ableton.

When you’re playing from an expansive session view, it can be tricky keeping your controllers lined up to the same tracks. It’s especially awkward if you don’t have a visual indicator of whereabouts in the session view they are.

At best, it’s frustrating. At worst, you can wind up launching or tweaking the wrong clip! That’s why Novation have been working with Isotonik Studios, designing a solution in Max for Live. It’s dead simple: it's Launchsync – and it’s free!
Basically, it synchronises your Launch devices and lets you bank them both around session view together. That way, you can keep them locked to the same tracks, so you know you’re mixing the same tracks that you’re launching, and so on.

Download it here for free

You can even synchronise two Launchpads and know that if you move around your set on one, the other will move too. Of course, you don’t have to synchronise them to exactly the same place: You can position one controller above, below, left or right of the other – they’ll stay locked together as they move around.

But enough of our words; this video will show you why Novation are really excited about this (courtesy of Ableton Live Expert):