Posted on Fri 29 June 2012 in Customer Services

Drum CounterWe've recently received the brand new counter for our Drum Department in our new pro-music superstore - coming soon! Now, I know that doesn't sound like the most exciting news in the world, but this isn't just any old counter - it's a counter modelled on a Natal drum! Check out the pictures below - it's fair to say that Austin, our drum manager, is very excited!

Click here to monitor the full progress of our new pro-music superstore.

[caption id="attachment_4184" align="aligncenter" width="2592" caption="Moving the Counter"]Moving the Counter]({static}/uploads/2012/06/Moving-the-Counter.jpg)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_4185" align="aligncenter" width="2592" caption="Jason and Alex from Natal with our drum manager Austin"]Jason and Alex from Natal with our drum manager Austin]({static}/uploads/2012/06/Drum-Counter.jpg)[/caption]