Posted on Fri 18 May 2012 in Customer Services

Forklift]({static}/uploads/2012/05/Forklift.png)These pictures are of our brand new pro-music superstore, which is currently in the process of being built and will hopefully be up and running around July-time this year. These pictures were taken on Thursday 17th May 2012...

Well, it's been three weeks since our last store progress update (click here to read it) and a lot has happened in 21 short days. Read on to find out what's going on in that no-longer empty space of ours....

Store Progress Report 5 - 1

Looking into the main showroom from the entrance doorway, you can see that the synth and acoustic rooms have now been fully plasterboarded and are just awaiting doors.

The empty space in the front will turn into the main display and demo area and the white gap to the left of the acoustic room is the corridor through to the drum department and to our monitor auditioning room - the only Andy Munro-designed monitor studio in the world!

On the first floor, the walls of the guitar showroom are now in and the rooms at the back of the space are built, but more of that in a bit.

Store Progress Report 5 - 2

Turning round from the previous shot, you're now looking through the huge hole that was being knocked through last time we updated you. The frames for the doors have now been measured and a supporting beam installed.

The immediate space through the doors will be the main reception area and beyond that is the studio, rehearsal and teaching complex where we're already running regular practice sessions, choir and drum workshops and lots more! Keep up to date with what's going on in the studios here.

Store Progress Report 5 - 3

Turning round again, we're now looking towards the front of the store and this has changed massively since you were here last. Immediately you'll notice that the lift is installed and fully working (even if you can run up and down the stairs three times in the age it takes to go from ground to first floor!)

The space that will turn into our main offices is being used as a site office at the moment, so will be the last space to get finished. Meanwhile the guitar workshop up on the first floor has been fully boarded, as has the guitar wall (one of three huge display spaces) to the right-hand side.

Store Progress Report 5 - 4

A quick run up the stairs and this picture is taken with our back to the guitar workshop door. You can see the other guitar wall on the other size of the mezzanine, also boarded nicely now.

Last time you were up here, the space towards the back of the first floor was completely empty but now it has been partitioned and boarded to create four guitar booths (two on the left, two on the right) with storage rooms behind, and the large DJ/live zone in the centre. More of that in a mo.

Store Progress Report 5 - 5

Popping back downstairs and we can now show you inside the large drum department space, which sits behind the synth room, acoustic room and monitor studio. Here you're looking towards two of the soundproofed drum booths. The door on the left will lead through to another area not yet confirmed – watch this space.... quite literally!!

Store Progress Report 5 - 6

And finally, here we are in the DJ/live zone at the back of the first floor. It's a huge space that will be used for all our DJ, live sound, PA and lighting equipment. It will also feature a stage so we will be able to use this space for events, gigs, seminars and demos. Nice!

The back wall still needs to be boarded in, once the fire exit door has been cut through, and let's hope someone tidies up those loose wires.

Exciting stuff, eh?!